Wow this coven really needs update! We have been so busy lately.I think we've gotten like one or two more coveners since the last post. Maybe. Still not sure. So me being a fellow studier for more knowledge, I have been studying the process of dreams since October and I want to move on. I think I've learned enough info on dreams for now. I bought a rose quartz pendulum the other day and it turned up missing yesterday. So I can't work on that like I wanted. And I wanted to study the Tarot but I don't have any tarot cards. I can't that either, I guess. I don't want to work on the crystal ball yet.Runes are very powerful to me, maybe I'll work on that. Hmmm...
This is a blog by belwickett a coven of witches. Belwickett is a wiccan coven located in kennewick Washington . we have about four members with us today and we are pretty close, most would say as close as a family or better. we are a pretty established coven that meets quite frequently, most of the time every weekend.

- Belwickett
- We are an eclectic wiccan coven focused on renewing ourselves as well as helping each other through thick and thin. We like to consider ourselves a family. We seek to know the secret knowledge of our earth and use it well as in the old ways.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
iTs WoRkInG
my plan to let go of my old ways of being late and doing stupid shit..its working i have a job now i have a car i have been organizing the coven for the last few days and it is getting close to being as organized as it can get lol......i can really see a future for me...i have left my regrets and depression behind....its really working.....i will not grow up to be like my father....ya so what...he has a good life now...but look at how fuckin long it took him...that was just laziness.......fuck laziness...i am gonna get up off my skinny white ass and make something of my a matter of fact i am kinda hungry i may make something of food quality too lol....but back to my point...all the shit is happening already i can see it own magickal web of life spinning and weaving to how i want it to be not how my family would like it to be...straight and christian.....but how i will have it....swirly gay and witchy!!!!!!! nobody can stop me now...cuz BABY im a firework AND IM GONNA LET MY COLORS BURST....I WILL SHOW THEM WHAT IM WORTH!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
McFerrin Not Marley
It really bugs me when I want to listen to Bobby Mcferrin's song Don't Worry Be Happy and I see that it's labeled under Bob Marley. Why can't people be smart enough to know the right people singing the certain songs. There's so many of these issues. It's like the Dead Bob Marley taking the public credits for what McFerrin created! Whatever. The song is really cool. Both guys are cool. It's all good.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ready To Start Over
I am now ready to leave this childish world of whining and complaining to enter a world of magic and seriousness, the adult world. i know that it will be hard and i really should have started this a long time ago but i still think it is not to late. before i had been so naive and so dependent on other people to do things for me and now that is going to change i need my life to turn out much different from my aunt told me the other day that it is OK to let people be lazy like my brother and let them think that life will be a piece of cake...they will get it some day, she said that it took my dad a bit but he got it.....ya right it took him almost 40 years to get it...he is a looser and i will not be like him and i will not accept people that are gonna be lazy, its bullshit and i am not gonna be like that anymore. it is time to be an adult and take life by that balls and go out there and be my own my own things and live my own life, not a life shaped by people doing shit for me. right now i am filling out an application for college, something i have been needing to do for so long but i was lazy and did not feel like it, i am also looking for a job so i can begin my life. i feel like i am diving in to the pool of life with no idea how to swim and no idea who will help me if i start to drown but life is about risks and this is one i am gonna take or i will end up a looser like my father did, i want to end up like my mother with a great husband and a good life with kids who love her, and an awsome job, its time to do shit and do good doin that shit,
Rouge (formerly known as rowan)
Rouge (formerly known as rowan)
Friday, September 17, 2010
lady gaga "dont ask dont tell"
support lady gaga and the gays and help abolish the dont ask dont tell your senator today and tell them to vote against sen.
McCain and take away this unconstitutional law (202) 224-3121 call now and free us of discrimination
go here to hear her talk about it
and if you wanna call your local senator call this number and ask for our local senator (202) 224-3121 go to this website to find out more info
hope to get the message out
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
so damn dumb
haha so yesterday i was testing out my new car on the highway, and it is a stick shift right. so i was going about 45 maybe 50 and i was gonna switch it into 5th gear, and me being fuckin dumb switched it into first which made the car screech to a halt fuckin right there like i hit a brick wall....i thought i fuckin died lol. so anyways it is a good day nice and sunny with a few clouds out, i wish there was more clouds tho, we need more cloudy days they are amazing. anyways i am gonna go cuz i need to work on my bathroom downstairs...remodeling can be a bitch of a then i dont know what i am doing ...hit me up on myspace peoples
Friday, September 10, 2010
peacefull and all full of love (only a dream, while i live this nightmare)
the longer i wait to see him, the longer i wait to hear from him, the more that my insides burn and tear up. he is part of my heart and that part keeps destroying it self. i want to be with him so bad now, as my life and my family crumbles to bits. he is not here with me like he said he would. my mind is going crazy i cannot stop the scary thoughts of a divorce in the family a scary thought, for i had the heartfelt feeling that they would be together forever. i cry a lot nowadays almost 2wice a day, because he isn't here, and they are splitting up :(......why cant my family be the normal one.....not a fucked up mess that cant get it together......why cant he just be the one, and save me the trouble of going through this pain day after day, maybe this life is just not worth it, maybe i wont make it to 20, maybe my time on this earth will be limited, it seems so real now ....the thought of not waking up in the morning...i cannot take it hurts so much. i hope this shall pass, and life will go the way i dream every night, peaceful and all full of love..........good night...and blessed be
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Ready for Fe'ileaca'n
so on Saturday we are having our first official fe'ileaca'n which is our study group our first lesson is called Wicca 101 and me and my high priestess Erin will be teaching it. i am so happy for saturday, four other people are planned to be showing up for our classes so that is also exiting, makes me think of what i can teach them to make their minds explode with creation. right now i am trying to type up and lok up information for the lesson on saturday, god i need some coffee...i wonder how erin is doing on her side of the lesson....idk i will have to ask her. lol. my printer is not working so good so i have to add more ink soon god i hate doing that i gotta get nasty clothes on to wear....shiiiitttttttt! anyways i need a cigarette lol......whose got one hhahahah jkjk...ok well i am gonna go hope everyone is likeing the blog i got goin to it soon hahhahahah "it"
Blessed Be!
Blessed Be!
its reyn B-Day
happy birthday reyna.....i dont have your present yet cuz of the whole i haave no money thing but you can expect it soon....i hope you like i know for a fact you will love it...i cannot wait to get it lol....hope you read this blog today....i love you soo much...i could not have asked for a better best you soo much.....blessed be!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Boy I feel dumb
A week ago I told someone that my birthday is on the 7th of September and they said 'oh so your birthday is on Monday' and I was like 'yeah I guess'. So and I've been telling everyone that on Monday I'll be seventeen and I've been looking forward to today but I'm looking at the calendar and it says the 6th. I think I just wanna staple my mouth shut.
But anyways I'm listening to a song called Blessing by London After Midnight (i've been listening to it for hours on end) and it made me think-
People say they won't believe in anything they can't see, and if you are one of these people, what if it wasn't meant to be seen but only felt. Like have you ever felt something even though you couldn't see it? Even if it was only a feeling. I pretty sure we all have. It's like a gut feeling basically, so do people say that they don't believe in their gut feelings?
But anyways I'm listening to a song called Blessing by London After Midnight (i've been listening to it for hours on end) and it made me think-
People say they won't believe in anything they can't see, and if you are one of these people, what if it wasn't meant to be seen but only felt. Like have you ever felt something even though you couldn't see it? Even if it was only a feeling. I pretty sure we all have. It's like a gut feeling basically, so do people say that they don't believe in their gut feelings?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Hii from Star
Hey everyone, it's star. we're at reyn's house trying to edit a video and put it on utube. it's not going so well... Weirdly i have a feeling of horrible inpending doom right now, i've had it for a couple hours now but i'm trying to figure out what it is instead of freaking out. i feel as if my life with Belwickett is ending but i don't see a reason for the ending yet. Well anyways see ya later
Blessed Be
Blessed Be
ready to start a new begginning
hope i spelled the title right i am gonna go out and look for a job today cuz i need one...if i land a job my granparents will get me a car that is gonna make me soooo i hope i can get a job really soon...i am ready to do be an adult about things ok i am gonna go...wish me luck...Blessed Be!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
My name is Reyna
Alright. This is Reyna. First blog. If you don't know who I am, check out Belwickett's site. If you're reading this uselessness you probably know at lteast a little. Never been much of a blog person (I always thought they were lame) but knowing that I have always kept an open mind ever since I realized that there is such a thing as commen sense, I figured 'What the hey!' And so now I'm sitting here staring at the nonsense words that I'm typing thinking of what to put next, when what I should be doing is getting ready to go buy a female for my Crested Gecko, Sherman.
I remember reading something on the web a year ago that said something about posting things that wouldn't be considered a waste of time. Is this a waste of time? I don't know. Only you know.
I remember reading something on the web a year ago that said something about posting things that wouldn't be considered a waste of time. Is this a waste of time? I don't know. Only you know.
so i just woke up
not really hahah i have been awake since like 9:30 i have cleaned around the house too...and guess what i dont have to work today...oh mi god i am soo happy i mean the pay would have been good but i have a day off from it yay.....:) so the meeting is today i have cleaned up my room soooo good for this....cant will be our first actual meeting for our new study group Fe'ileaca'n (fay-le-con) that is how you say it lol. so anyways in other news on my day my grandma seems soooo pissed right now hahahahahaahahahahhah... so anyways i will come back and write more soon i have to clean the downstairs before i get beat by my 60 year old grandmaother...ok ttyl that is i am talkin about the blog hahaha..alrighty blessed Be!
Friday, September 3, 2010
now i feel better
my mouth is not swollen any more and i have no pain...those pain pills are sooooo great tomarrow we are having a coven study group meeting to tell about the laws i have made for the coven. i had an amazing magickal experiance the other night where i raised so much power the washingmachine wined very loudly and shut power when i went to was truly amazing. Right now i am eating some top ramen lol it is soo delicious so out of all the views i have on this many of you are wiccan, if you want to tell me just put it in the comments below so i can see lol. and if you would like to see my covens youtube videos then go to youtube and our channel is named Belwickett1 so check it out we have like 15 videos and counting...and if you are still interested in us check out our website its pretty awsome anyways about today ireyn is gona come over after she gets out of school so i am exited about that. if i have not told you already she is my best freind.......totally i could not live without her....she is the one that i think about everyday so ya..if she wasnt here i thinki would have killed myself by now lol. tomarrow i am goint to work on my neighbor kristens dad's yard..if that made any sense to you.......he pays me like 60 bucks everytime soo i have a little bi of spending money....i need a job sooo bad i try to put in as many apps as i can but i guess it is just not working....but i have to keep trying i am thinkin about doing a spell to give me a little boost but i have to think about that one..and do some divining before that happens. you know what really pisses me off......and it totally makes me feel like shit...when i put up a pic of my brother on myspace and tons of people look at it and reply about ti telling me he is so hott...and when i put new pics of me up hardly andyone says makes me feel like he is better than me or better lookin and it hurts ....god i think i might take that picture anyways i am gonna go i have some updateing to do on my website and i need to make sure my room and the notes are ready for my meeting on saturday.....i will blog somore laters...ok see ya Blessed Be!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
ok back from the dentist
ok so i am back from the dentist and.....fffffffuuuuuucccccckkkkkk my face feels weird...they just pulled the tooth out...bam.... just like that, they put some numbnesss on it and pulled the bitch out..all of 3 minutes i cannot wait for the covens private study group meeting we will be discussing the new study group called fe'ileaca'n, it will be an open study group so feel free to ask to do not have to be in the coven to join it lol. we will also be talking about our covens by-laws so ya...blessed face feels weird
oh mi god
ugh today is the day i get my tooth pulled...what a fuckin drag. i will be loopy all afternoon.......i will totally need a pick me up......"dont wanna kiss, dont wanna touch, just smoke my cigarette and hush, dont call my name dont call my name, robertooooooo......alejandro" i sooo need a cigarette now lol, that is sooo my fav song. gaga you are my hero and the love of my life. so besides the tooth being pulled there really isnt anything exiting about today, i will basically be at home cleaning. another thing to add to my "what a fuckin drag" list. i guess i could relax...i totally need it. anyways i should stop blabbing about shit that is not significant to anyone lol...i am gonna go.....and do stuff.....that i just said i was gonna bye....for now....................bye....hahah lol....blessed be!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
welcome to Belwickett's Blog
hey everyone and welcome to Belwickett's blog. all of my coven members will have access to this will know who is writng the blog by what name is at the bottom for the signature. so anyways i hear a blog is like a big online diary so i will start off by saying today is a beautiful day in kennewick washington. the sun is partway out and it is slightly breezy but it is at an OK temp......god i cannot wait for the fall that is my fav. season.....i have been at home all morning..i am doing some cleaning around the house to make it look prettyfull.........hopefully i suceed....ok well i have to go now...talkin to brian so i am gonna leave..see y hoppe you guys like the new blog. Blessed BE!
Monday, May 24, 2010
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