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We are an eclectic wiccan coven focused on renewing ourselves as well as helping each other through thick and thin. We like to consider ourselves a family. We seek to know the secret knowledge of our earth and use it well as in the old ways.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

All alone, a witches blog

Ive seen so much, been through alot to know that i can make it through something like this. Missing one out of three isnt bad but when you are the only one left to carry on the name of belwickett, it gets a little harder to bere.......i just moved to seattle about one month ago, the city is beautiful. I never would have guessed how much magick could be in such a stone and concrete ridden wasteland, but i looked past all the concrete and looked at the beauty of it. Such a beautiful diverse culture here and everyone is usually kind and loving.....i just have this ache in my heart that wont let me make new pagan friends.....its like my heart keeps telling me not to replace something that isnt missing......but there not here with me....i dont understand it......crystal if yu see  this i want you to know i need you.......alot!

Thats all i can write.....blesed be