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We are an eclectic wiccan coven focused on renewing ourselves as well as helping each other through thick and thin. We like to consider ourselves a family. We seek to know the secret knowledge of our earth and use it well as in the old ways.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

All alone, a witches blog

Ive seen so much, been through alot to know that i can make it through something like this. Missing one out of three isnt bad but when you are the only one left to carry on the name of belwickett, it gets a little harder to bere.......i just moved to seattle about one month ago, the city is beautiful. I never would have guessed how much magick could be in such a stone and concrete ridden wasteland, but i looked past all the concrete and looked at the beauty of it. Such a beautiful diverse culture here and everyone is usually kind and loving.....i just have this ache in my heart that wont let me make new pagan friends.....its like my heart keeps telling me not to replace something that isnt missing......but there not here with me....i dont understand it......crystal if yu see  this i want you to know i need you.......alot!

Thats all i can write.....blesed be

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Chaste Moon Of March

The march full moon is a time to plant mental seeds like thoughts of success and hope.Its also a time that represents purity and newness. around this time you should bless your magickal garden and start preparing your souil for your new seeds :) for all of this new stuff coming around try to prepare your mind and body for all that is a pregnancy or new pet, possibly taking a trip or maybe a new job. Just keep in mind as much positive thoughts as possible and you will have a good year. Blessed Be

- Written and revised By Rowan

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


When we say 'we're totally back' we unfortunately don't really mean it. Well we do but somethings just pop up. But now we're more organized and someone is actually in charge of the Blog who has access to the internet. lol. Anyways, a few things have changed in the world of Belwickett. Dark Reyn has moved away and Lake kinda disapeared. We're hope'en to hear from her soon but we have enough contact to know that she's alright. Kit is yet to be initiated but it will happen soon! Emily is not ready, by her choice, and we totally respect that. Love you all and you'll hear from me on Friday. 'All' being Reyn's Belwickett Bitches and anyone who reads this.
*~May the Deity be with you always~*

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Totally Back

hey guys wow...........havent been on here in a while....lets keep this going and i will tell you about my day. I just added some new material into the book of shadows....which is new by the way, we just finished making it. and we have a few new people in the coven. we have kit, who is sort of shy but she has such a beautiful soul then of course we have dark reyn...he has a sense of humor that would be innapropriate for children hahhhahaha, then there is Lake Gemini she is very mature and such a nice addition to our coven, she just learned how to use facebook hahahahah! and the last new one is emily and we are still learning about her...she is sort of a talker and a fluff bunny! lol........we also lost a member, reyna moved away to go to college in california....shitty :( well that is all i had to say for my first post in like a year lol....hope to have people comment on our posts and read about our complicated lives...Blessed Be!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Occult Studying: What to Choose?!

Wow this coven really needs update! We have been so busy lately.I think we've gotten like one or two more coveners since the last post. Maybe. Still not sure. So me being a fellow studier for more knowledge, I have been studying the process of dreams since October and I want to move on. I think I've learned enough info on dreams for now. I bought a rose quartz pendulum the other day and it turned up missing yesterday. So I can't work on that like I wanted. And I wanted to study the Tarot but I don't have any tarot cards. I can't that either, I guess. I don't want to work on the crystal ball yet.Runes are very powerful to me, maybe I'll work on that. Hmmm...


Thursday, November 18, 2010

iTs WoRkInG

my plan to let go of my old ways of being late and doing stupid shit..its working i have a job now i have a car i have been organizing the coven for the last few days and it is getting close to being as organized as it can get lol......i can really see a future for me...i have left my regrets and depression behind....its really working.....i will not grow up to be like my father....ya so what...he has a good life now...but look at how fuckin long it took him...that was just laziness.......fuck laziness...i am gonna get up off my skinny white ass and make something of my a matter of fact i am kinda hungry i may make something of food quality too lol....but back to my point...all the shit is happening already i can see it own magickal web of life spinning and weaving to how i want it to be not how my family would like it to be...straight and christian.....but how i will have it....swirly gay and witchy!!!!!!! nobody can stop me now...cuz BABY im a firework AND IM GONNA LET MY COLORS BURST....I WILL SHOW THEM WHAT IM WORTH!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

McFerrin Not Marley

It really bugs me when I want to listen to Bobby Mcferrin's song Don't Worry Be Happy and I see that it's labeled under Bob Marley. Why can't people be smart enough to know the right people singing the certain songs. There's so many of these issues. It's like the Dead Bob Marley taking the public credits for what McFerrin created! Whatever. The song is really cool. Both guys are cool. It's all good.
